Large Cable Mono Phone Plug- NYS224L
2 pole 1/4'' plug, long turned brass handle, large cable outlet of 8 mm
ProductTitle : NYS224L
Connection Type : Plug
Gender : male
MechanicalCable O.D. : ≤ 8 mm
Lifetime : 1000 mating cycles
ElectricalDielectric strength : 0.5 kVdc
Insulation resistance : ≥ 1 GΩ
Contact resistance : depends on mating connector
Rated current : depends on mating connector
MaterialContact plating : 2 µm Ni
Contacts : Brass (CuZn39Pb3)
Shell : Zinc diecast (ZnAl4Cu1)
Shell plating : Nickel
Insulation :Thermoplastic
Strain relief :Crimp type SnCe plated
EnvironmentalSolderability : Complies with IEC 68-2-20
Temperature range : -20 °C to +70 °C